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Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Like all creators, my process sometimes involves That Which Is Other Than Creation.

This is one of those times when I'm writing a little and connecting a lot.  It's time to update the blog, wrap up the online courses, generate social media, and make contact with other musicians. I'm dashing from project to project, finding new ways to present ancient ideas and keeping a sense of balance.

Every few years I seem to do this.  I make an effort to bridge the gap between myself and the rest of the world.  I teach more, write about my work more, reach out to listeners more, aim to find more sources of funding.  This time I'm using online courses to teach more, this blog and Facebook to write about my work more, Spotify to reach out to my listeners more and Patreon to find more sources of funding.

Something is different this time around though.  Usually these types of tasks feel like forcing my way through a hip deep river of sludge, but right now I feel oddly energized.  I think that I may have finally found a way to communicate about my music without having to simply play my work and then wait for folks to get it or not.   I think for the first time that people are responding to what I do.

I write vocal driven music.  Soaring, cutting, floating music.  Music that adds, music that resonates, music that relates. Writing is powerful, moving, razor's edge stuff.  Singing what I write is like constantly yearning and sometimes getting nearly, almost close to what I have in my head. Somehow I'm getting the hang of communicating that.  And why it's important for people to be a part of it.

This are lightening times, the tide coming in and sunlight on the top of your head times.  Far landscapes and the feeling of a puppy nosing under your hand times.  There's few times that are better.

So please be a part.  And reach out if you'd like me to be a part of what you create.  

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